We all know that ZForce is good for both work and play. But its ability to traverse quickly through rugged terrain comes in handy in emergency rescue situations as well. Though the stock ZForce isn't capable of search and medical rescue or fire fighting, at Everything CFMoto Offroad, we have all the necessary ZForce fire accessories and ZForce medical rescue accessories to build the ultimate fire and medical rescue rig.
Many emergency situations demand a capable search and rescue rig. With a fully equipped ZForce, you can quickly track down missing people like hikers or children who wandered off. Whether it is mountain ranges or dense forests, the ZForce can track through it.
Depending on the severity of the situation the equipment you need will differ. Sometimes a medkit would be enough. But if you need a full-size ZForce medical bed or any other ZForce search and rescue accessories, we can hook you up.
Similarly, firefighting also demands a capable UTV. Not all places can be reached by a fire engine. So you need ZForce with the capabilities of a fire engine to quickly transport firefighters to the frontlines.
The UTV should also carry the necessary equipment to fight a fire. At Everything CFMoto Offroad, we got ZForce fire units that can carry hundreds of gallons of foam and water to put out fires quickly.
Whether you are a first responder or an everyday ZForce rider, ZForce fire and medical rescue accessories are a must-have. At least get a ZForce fire extinguisher mount and keep a ZForce fire extinguisher in a corner of your rig at all times. Whatever your fire and rescue needs are, we got you covered.